The Value of UX

But UX designers are more than that, they are strategic allies. When we refer to the golden triangle of innovation, we find that it is made up of three factors: viability, feasibility and desirability. However, in the real world, we only find two protagonists for decision-making in projects: business and technology, one contributing its vision and resources and the other contributing the implementation. Under this incomplete model, design is seen as a necessary element, but not an indispensable element, used only to dress up the decisions that have already been made.

Incomplete (but common) Innovation Golden Triangle
Complete Innovation Golden Triangle (or box in this case).

Not for nothing companies that invest in design have an increase in their profits up to double compared to those who did not (The business value of design – McKinsey & Company – 2018).

The Ksquare Group UI/UX team is made up of precisely this class of UX designers, who, beyond designing screens, provide strategic value to organizations, through the use of the appropriate methodologies and obtaining the right data to push them.

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