Leveraging a single multi-system for superior patient experiences

We helped a hospital migrate certain applications that were built in Cerner to a homegrown solution for both mobile and web.  Now, they’re saving money, can easily manage their app across platforms and patients have an easytouse app to handle all their health information in one place. 

Software Engineering

Taking patient experience to the next level. 

The mission of the hospital is to improve the health and well-being of individuals in the communities they serve, and their patient care platform – HospitalApp – is one of the most important ways of connecting with and serving their community. The app is a resource where patients can go to securely manage all their health information in one place  The problem was that the app was tied to costly third-party applications and outdated technology. Both tech debt and actual costs were piling up as they struggled to manage and improve the app across multiple mobile and web platforms. But they felt like the biggest missed opportunity was the experience they were providing their patients.   The hospital’s vision for the app was ambitious and the margin for error was razor thin, so they knew they needed to bring in a digital partner with a strong track record in the healthcare industry who could expand on their vision and execute with excellence.  The Ksquare Group was honored to partner with the hospital and eager to begin web development work.   

Using the right app technology to manage and scale. 

The Ksquare Group was brought in to work on the web development for their platform, but after our initial meeting and analysis we quickly pointed out that the code base used for the mobile platform was going to be very limiting to the future of the platform. For instance, if changes were going to be made on mobile, they would have to test those changes on every channel which would create increased costs, longer times to update, and greater potential for errors across platforms.  Our client was using Cerner as their EMR system with multiple third-party applications and portals on top of that. Those portals had become extremely expensive and were using dated technologies.  Helping them migrate from the Cerner and all of the various portals to a single multi-platform system was key to streamlining the user experience, the management of the backend, and saving money.  In order to do that we first reworked their existing flutter framework so that it could handle multiple communication channels.    
Flutter Development

What We Brought to the Table 

  • Our discovery process is speedy but thorough.  We believe in the old adage, ‘measure twice, cut once.’ So, we gained a complete and accurate understanding of what our client’s desired state and current state were and then laid out a clear plan to get them to their desired state.    
  • When it comes to digital transformation, we’re like that trusty handyman that seems to have just the right tool and know-how for every problem that arises.  We have over 300 train and experienced technologist on the team, so we had just the right tools and know-how for our client’s problems. 
  • With our same-time zone nearshore centers of excellence in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, we were able to help our client transform the digital experience they were providing their patients at a price 40% less than what they would have paid with the competition. 
The Ksquare Group
Flutter Development

What is Flutter? 

Flutter is Google’s open source framework for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.  

Read what our experts had to say about cross-platform versus native app development!  


More Than Back-end Improvements. 

Now that the backend was built properly, the app was ready for some key features and updates, so we were excited to begin development. To date, we have created 5 updates and features for the app and have begun development for the web patient portal.  We transformed the hospital’s app from clunky, costly, and inconvenient to an all-in-one smooth, streamlined and scalable mobile experience. We were excited to see the improvements we made to the app make a difference not only to the employees but also to the patients using the app.    

Are you looking to implement Flutter with your product or app? We love solving business problems with digital solutions that help you scale and grow.  

We are excited to help similar hospitals and healthcare providers like this client with their products and apps.    If you have an app or just a vision for an app, let us help create a strategic experience and design that is built to last! 

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